Thursday 28 April 2016

"I was just a box all lonely had no friends but today was my day I was going to get frys I was so exited then they drop hi im frys.
Hi im box
but then they ate him they ate him when they finished they took me and threw me right in front of you so that were I am now" says box
hes very chaty says trashbin6
ya I agree excleamed trashbin4
lets just hope the garbageman brings him some where else.


  1. I think some of your sentences are a bit long so I suggest that you could break it up to 2 or 3 sentences. Just pay more attention to your punctuation and spelling. Good job in your story !

  2. You got lots of spelling mistakes like frys its supposed to be fries. You need capitals in a whole bunch of places.

  3. Your story's a bit jumbled but nice story
